What are the supported PowerPoint animations and transitions?

What are the supported PowerPoint animations and transitions?

After conversion to HTML5, all presentation's animations and transition effects will play on any device — and they'll work exactly as in PowerPoint.

Supported Animations

Entrance animations Basic
1. Appear
2. Blinds
3. Box
4. Checkerboard
5. Circle
6. Diamond
8. Fly In
9. Peek In
10. Plus
11. Random bars
12. Split
13. Strips
14. Dissolve In
15. Wedge
16. Wheel
17. Wipe

Entrance animations Subtle
1. Expand
2. Fade
3. Swivel
4. Zoom

Entrance animations Moderate
1. Basic Zoom
2. Center resolve
3. Compress
4. Float Down
5. Float Up
6. Grow & Turn
7. Rise Up
8. Spinner
9. Stretch

Entrance animations Exciting
1. Basic Swivel
2. Boomerang
3. Bounce
4. Credits
5. Curve up
6. Drop
7. Flip
8. Float
9. Pinwheel
10 Spiral In
11 Whip

Emphasis animation Basic
1. Fill color
2. Font Color
3. Grow/Shrink
4. Spin
5. Transparency

Emphasis animation Subtle
1. Brush Color
2. Complementary Color
3. Complementary color 2
4. Contrasting Color
5. Darken
6. Desaturate
7. Lighten
8. Object Color
9. Pulse
10. Underline

Emphasis animation Moderate
1. Color Pulse
2. Grow With Color
3. Shimmer
4. Teeter

Emphasis animation Exciting
1. Blink
2 Bold Reveal
3. Wave

Exit animations Basic
1. Blinds
2. Box
3. Checkerboard
4. Circle
5. Diamond
6. Disappear
8. Fly Out
9. Peek Out
10. Plus
11. Random bars
12. Split
13. Strips
7. Dissolve Out
14. Wedge
15. Wheel
16. Wipe

Exit animations Subtle
1. Contract
2. Fade
3. Swivel
4. Zoom

Exit animations Moderate
1. Basic Zoom
2. Center resolve
3. Collapse
4. Float Down
5. Float Up
6. Shrink & Turn
7. Sink Down
8. Spinner
9. Stretchy

Exit animations Exciting
1. Basic Swivel
2. Boomerang
3. Bounce
4. Credits
5. Curve down
6. Drop
7. Flip
8. Float
9. Pinwheel
10 Spiral Out
11 Whip


Supported Transitions

1. Fall Over
2. Drape
3. Curtains
4. Wind
5. Prestige
6. Fracture
7. Crush
8. Peel Off
9. Page Curl
10. Airplane
11. Origami
12. Checkerboard
13. Blinds
14. Ripple
15. Honeycomb
16. Glitter
17. Vortex
18. Shred
19. Switch
20. Flip
21. Gallery
22. Cube
23. Doors
24. Box
25. Zoom
26. Pan
27. Ferris wheel
28. Conveyer
29. Rotate
30. Window
31. Orbit
31. Fly Through
32. Cut
33. Fade
34. Push
35. Wipe
36. Split
37. Reveal
38. Random bars
39. Shape
40. Uncover
41. Cover
42. Flash
43. Dissolve
44. Comb
45. Clock

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